Sunday, 22 July 2012

Simple Steps on Outsourcing.

Smart Start-up Tips: Outsourcing Catch 22 – Time IS Money, But Can You Realistically Afford to Outsource?

Which comes first? The outsourcing or the budget to be able to hire someone? It’s a Catch 22 that all entrepreneurs face sooner or later. You are trying to grow your business to generate the cash flow to hire additional support, but you can’t push forward until you hire someone because you are so busy in your business to drive the growth.

So what do you do?

It’s time to create leverage in your business by outsourcing the tasks that are slowing down your growth. But remember, outsourcing isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition – you are better to start slowly and be smart about what you outsource than to never start at all because you are waiting for the budget to magically appear.

Simple Steps to Save You Time, Money and Heartache when Outsourcing Tasks


#1: Create a list of tasks to be outsourced.
#2: Group these tasks into categories (think administration, bookkeeping, sales, marketing, etc.).
#3: Take each task on your list and ensure you have a process related to each task so you can handover a system not just a task.
#4: Determine the review checkpoints within the system of each task.
#5: Write down the qualities you look for in a collaborative relationship
#6: Check your cash flow to determine if you can really afford to outsource these tasks.
#7: Check in with yourself – Track your time for a week. This simple exercise will not only help you to become aware of how long these tasks are taking you, but also to be aware of how productive you really are.
#8: Based on your time tracking of tasks, set a budget for the outsourcing. Often by outsourcing to specialists the time required improves.
#9: If your outsourcing will be virtual, ensure you have appropriate communication systems in place to develop a collaborative partnership.
#10: Put the word out, and find that outsourced resource.

One Final Word of Warning BEFORE You Outsource


Be realistic. Track your time to ensure your own productivity is up to scratch before you start outsourcing. Because if you are outsourcing on the premise of freeing up more time to work on revenue generating tasks and you are not productive yourself, don’t expect some miracle to occur just because you have more time.

Often the opposite is the case. Being busy and being productive are two very different things. If you currently “super busy” flitting from one task to another instead of being focused productive, this behavior will not change just because you “free up” your time by outsourcing.

Only when you are productive yourself will freeing up your time by outsourcing tasks allow you to create leverage from outsourcing. The only ‘catch’ with this Catch 22 is making certain you are ready to benefit from the extra time otherwise outsourcing is just an extra expense.
Source: momeomagazine

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